After giving it much thought I've decided to do a major redesign of how combat plays out. It won't effect the skills themselves, but will greatly change how you interact with them.
I came up with this sitting on the couch holding my wireless 360 controller, so you'll get to see this from the angle of implementation for that particular controller. I would also like to emphasize this doesn't mean I'm going to build it from the bottom up FOR consoles, just with a unified control scheme that won't exclude consoles.
A Button -> Skill in slot one
B Button -> Skill in slot two
X Button -> Skill in slot three
Y Button -> Skill in slot four
Right Trigger + A -> Skill five
Right Trigger + B -> Skill six
Right Trigger + X -> Skill seven
Right Trigger + Y -> Skill eight
Left Trigger + A -> Skill nine
Left Trigger + B -> Skill ten
Left Trigger + X -> Skill eleven
Left Trigger + Y -> Skill twelve
Left Thumbstick -> Move
Left Thumbstick Depressed -> Interact/Speak to object centered on screen within range.
Right Thumbstick -> Orbit Camera
Right Thumbstick Depressed -> Target Enemy centered on screen or nearest enemy.
Left Bumper -> Cycle through quick weapons
Right Bumper -> Open quick inventory (Think Metal Gear Solid)
D-Pad -> Move between channels/start text message.
Start -> { Main Menu -> Log off : World/Region Map : { Mode Swiych -> Crafting : Building : Regular } : { Options -> Video : Audio : Controller Setup } : Social Dashboard : In-Game Forums}
Back -> { Character Menu -> Inventory (Long Form) : Character Sheet }
Crafting Mode:
First select weapon or armor to make from list of parts you have materials for.
A Button -> Apply 1 unit of currently selected ore to currently selected part.
B Button -> Apply 5 units of currently selected ore to currently selected part.
X Button -> Subtract 1 unit of currently selected ore to currently selected part.
Y Button -> Subtract 5 units of currently selected ore to currently selected part.
Right Trigger + A -> Same as A on 1/10th scale.
Right Trigger + B -> Same as B on 1/10th scale.
Right Trigger + X -> Same as X on 1/10th scale.
Right Trigger + Y -> Same as Y on 1/10th scale.
Left Trigger -> Display list of possible models for current part, then possible paint options
Right Bumper -> Switch to next ore
Left Bumper -> Switch to previous ore
Left Thumbstick -> Change location
Left Thumbstick Depressed -> Display weight, Ore and Biomass totals for current part.
Right Thumbstick -> Orbit Camera
Right Thumbstick Depressed -> Display hp, Weight, balance, size and dps/armor mitigation for entire equipment.
Start and Back remain the same.
Building mode:
Camera pans out to the surrounding area and a list of buildings you can afford to build comes up.
From here it is just a matter of placing it, using the d-pad to cycle through facings, x and y to display various overlays, thumbstick depression to display statistical information, and a to lay place and b to cancel. Pressing the right bumbper would allow you to make a ghost of it show up so those around you can give their opinions before you actually place it.
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