What does a game designer do? Well most of the time their pushing around Venn Diagrams of prospective players.
For instance we can pick out a really big group with lots of easy to please people.
Or a group of really hard to please, and extremely dedicated players.
Most games fall somewhere in between.
Most of us would like to be remembered 20 years later because it had profoundly changed your life...
Not because you just realized it came with your cell phone...
Even if we are only fond memories.
We can hope for lots of money for the effort...
Though most of us will happily settle for a cool studio.
So we trudge onward trying to make something cool...
By these people's standards.
So these people will pay us...
To make these people...
And these people work together at least long enough to avoid...
This happening, or even worse...
But when you can manage to walk that line...
It feels a whole lot like this.
All images were found off google search and link back to their original context, mostly, without regards to the subject matter of the page itself. I make no guarantees the pages will be relevant or entirely work safe, though I am sure none are porn. But yes, follow the links at your own risk.
I heartily recommend you check out the Rainbow studio link, it'll make that part make much more sense.
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